Saturday, January 25, 2020

Human Resource Managers Of Coca Cola Company

Human Resource Managers Of Coca Cola Company There are many large or small enterprises from all developed or developing countries which are already or are in the process of going global and being international. There are lots of things that are helping to an international business in this time such as being international travel much easier and quicker. Global communication has became easier and increased the quality of life. Likewise transfer of new technology around the world making global business and employment easier which is leading to migration of large number of labours market around the world. Among which Coca Cola Company is also one of the largest multinational company. Its headquarter is in America and has number of regional office almost all around the world. They have got large number of staff all around the world. In context of coca cola company, they are applying the procedure and different models of international human resource development. The role of international human resource managers is significantly high in such kinds of organization. As we know that, this is a growing MNE. The things that brought forward the trend of globalization are ; international market that have need, expectation and wants, difference in the cost of production of goods and employee costs among different countries, law and order with government policies on tax and import and export of goods and its limitations along with the activities of competitors. HR managers have to be capable of understanding and responding all these kinds of trends so, that they can gain an idea to differentiate between domestic-based HR management and international human resource management. According to Schuler and colleagues they have define international human resource management on the both part of strategic and international of multinational enterprises such as Coca Cola Company. They are trying to expand the congested function of HR to border function for expatriation. Strategic IHRM is human resource management issues, functions and policies and practices that result from the strategic activities of multinational enterprises and that impact on the international concerns and goals of those enterprises (Schuler, 1993). In my opinion, the responsibility of international Human Resource Managers can be discussed in two ways. One way is that a multinational company have to recruit an employee to send abroad for some specific task and for some time period. But in another context like in UK, there is multi domestic company where many international employee are working together which is the result of globalization. So, HR managers have to address both duty. A company like coca cola which is a MNE, they have to send their employee on international assignments. Human resource managers are getting problem in many ways for such cases, sometimes with disastrous results. There may be many reason for that but one may be the reason that HR managers send their staffs on abroad jobs without providing efficient pre-training or providing some period for the transitional stage. In this time, they can provide some kinds of guidance and essential management skills and tackling tactics in various scenarios by human resource managers along with HR and companys international policies. The human resource managers of coca cola company are now a days, equipping an employee with specific reference and essential skills to be successful on international jobs. They are following the standard procedure as well as realistic one. HR managers are taking special consideration while they are performing selection, giving training and managing performance. For example, now coca cola company, while they are appointing an employee as a sales managers or representative to India, they prefer to choose Indian employee or an employee who knows better Indian culture because, he can better perform in his familiar environment rather than any other new one. He can adapt easily in that environment which is a beneficial part for Coca Cola Company. If they appoint any other new person who is unknown of that culture, this will directly affect the performance of an employee and also he need more training and required more knowledge which will be costly for HR managers. Therefore, the role of human resource managers is very important while they are selecting an employee for an organization who needs to work in different cultural environment. There should be a valid reason for selecting a candidate for that job not just appointing haphazardly. HR managers have to set a bit different procedure to select an employee who is working in domestic cultural environment and in international cultural environment. HR managers have to look for all specific key skills within the candidate and find the correct one. Somehow this may looks like an very difficult to find a ideal candidate who has desire to go abroad with his abilities. According to a 2002 study,expatriates wanted their human resource departments to above all eliminate unnecessary uncertainty and ambiguity (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin and Cardy, 2004: 321). Providing a relevant training is the most effective ways to get good productivity from an employee. For an employee who is going abroad, HR managers have to provide pre-departure training like local culture, values and attitudes. When an employee have to go for abroad, their family member also need a cross cultural training as a plus point. Before arriving an expatriate in host country it is beneficial if he gets some kinds of orientation and training programs. In case of coca cola, they have potential competitor like Pepsi cola and other cold drinks multinational company so it is important to encourage an employee who has got knowledge and skills in order to retain these people. The knowledge gain by an employee from abroad is very precious rather than gain within home country because they have got a chance to work in a different environment and they have been tackled through different situations. International human resource managers have found that employee relations vary significantly from country to country and that the strategies used to motivate workers in one country are sometimes useless in another country(Katz Elsea, 1997). Coca cola company is a western company and this company has also tend to think like many other westerners do as contract in extremely legal, scientific terms, and when it is signed both parties are bounded by its conditions and policies. That once it is signed all parties will simply abide by its terms. But there is different culture in other countries like in china they wants to grow a good relation with the management after the contract and after when they start to know each other. Hence, HR managers need to consider openness, originality and flexibility not just only learning prior to enter in a countries as a MNE which have different culture. Coca cola company is a large MNE and they have invested large amount of resource in there employee for some specific project. This is very important to manage the performance of employees in overseas situation by taking regular feedback and assess them properly. Such kind of things can be helpful to minimize the threat of future expensive mistake, like paying for unsuccessful employees recruiting and training expanses. In case of employee payment it is obvious that there is different, depending on the specific country they are assigning for. This is a duty or responsibility of HR managers that to state the policies and terms and conditions in noticeable manner about remuneration among similar position in other countries. Above we have discussed in the prospective of a coca cola company in the global context and recruitment selection and performance management for their employee. This is all about the IME when they have to assigning the expertise to overseas. As we said there is the increasing role of international human resource managers to make or to prepare for the change of culture and help them to adjust in the change environment. Motivating and managing performance of abroad employee by providing proper reward system and providing proper allowances is also the main job of human resource managers. Besides that, International recruitment from overseas countries for employment in the home market is also the other major role for international human resource managers. They are also responsible for managing diversity, helping them in adjusting in new cultural environment, proper management of their performance and providing benefits from company. In this time of globalization labour market has became smaller so, people are moving from one country to another countries for employment process. For a company situated in a home country, they have also recruited an employee from different cultural diversity. Employees from diversified culture provide some kind of advantages and disadvantages in an organization. Therefore, there could arises conflict among the employees within own company, even with mangers also. If, HR managers look at the advantage side, they have the advantage of diversity for the company. They can innovate the idea of cutting of the costs, productivity and the increases new ideas for the forces of work; the development of the quality of the managing procedure; the capacity of employees to use points of view, styles for leading and different landing in the process of taking decisions and in cultivation of the new ideas. Employee can analyse and work within themselves when they have got problem at work.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Psychotherapy Techniques

Psychotherapy involves a number of techniques used to improve mental health or emotional and behavioral issues. Three common techniques are psychoanalysis, cognitive therapy and behavior therapy. Although these may have some fundamental similarities, especially in their objectives, there are some ways in which these approaches are different. Psychoanalysis began with Freud. Trained as a neurologist, Freud began seeing neurological problems that had no biological basis in his clients. He therefore looked towards the mind for answers. Psychoanalysis is based on the belief that change will take place when an individual becomes more self- aware by bringing unconscious thoughts and feelings into the conscious. Behavior must be based more on reality than instinct. The basic method of psychoanalysis is the free association method, where the client is directed to say whatever comes to mind on hearing a particular word. The analyst listens well and interprets the patterns and inhibitions in the patient's speech and behavior the analyst's main job is to help the patient to free his mind from unconscious barriers or past patterns of thought relatedness that are no longer helpful to the client. Recent psychoanalysis techniques try to help clients gain better trust in themselves, self -esteem and overcome the fear of death. Psychoanalysts believe that a more insight-oriented approach is to be used with healthier clients and a more supportive approach with more disturbed clients. This type of analysis is thought to be useful in clients with personality problems and neuroses, problems of intimacy and relationships. Psychoanalysis may include the client examining his relationship with the therapist. This is not included in cognitive or behavioral therapy. Cognitive therapy which also has its foundation in the concept of distorted thoughts and how they influence behavior uses a different technique for helping the client. The emphasis here is more on distorted thoughts interfering with the reality than on patterns of the client's personality as in the psychoanalytical model. The central premise is that our thoughts mediate between the stimuli in the environment and our emotions. Therefore a stimulus elicits a thought which in turn might stimulate a particular emotion, especially if that thought is an evaluative judgment. Cognitive therapists suggest that psychological distress is caused by distorted thoughts about stimuli giving rise to distressed emotions. In short, faulty thoughts cause psychological problems and therefore changing our thought patterns will lead to mental healing and changes in behavior. The analyst therefore attempts to help the client become aware of these distorted thoughts and the behavioral patterns which are re-enforcing these distorted thoughts and then to help the client correct them. The analyst has to understand the experiences from the client's point of view, unlike in psychoanalysis where the analyst only listens and points out insights to the client. The cognitive analyst then helps the client explore these distressed thoughts and put them against reality. The distorted thoughts are replaced by more accurate thoughts about the client and his life. Since this therapy is geared towards modifying people's core beliefs, it has been found to be more effective in treating conditions such as depression, substance abuse, anxiety disorders, eating disorders and phobias. A major difference observed with behavioral therapy is that it is focused on behaviors that are observable and measurable rather than on cognitions as in the two previous therapies. Behavioral therapy relies on principles of operant conditioning, classical conditioning and social learning theory. Generally behavior therapy works by changing the client's behavior through use of rewards, reinforcements and desensitization. There are many different techniques that are used by behavior therapists, including self-management, biofeedback, role-playing, modelling,etc. Unlike psychoanalysis and cognitive therapy, the client practices a particular behavior, accompanied by a reward or reinforcement of that positive behavior until change in behavior has taken place. Similar to cognitive therapy, behavior therapy is not generally used in dealing with issues of relationships. In some instances cognitive and behavior therapy are combined in one technique- cognitive-behavioral – where the analysts helps the client to understand the thinking behind his behavior while practicing alternative behaviors.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

The Linked History of the Flashlight and the Battery

The flashlight was invented in 1898 and patented in 1899. The biblical quote let there be light was on the cover of the 1899 Eveready catalog advertising the new flashlight.   Eveready Founder Conrad Hubert In 1888, a Russian immigrant  and inventor named Conrad Hubert founded the  American Electrical Novelty and Manufacturing Company (later renamed Eveready). Huberts company manufactured and  marketed battery-powered novelties. For example, neckties and flower pots that lit up. Batteries were still a novelty at that time, then only recently introduced to the consumer market. David Misell, Inventor of the Flashlight A flashlight by definition is a small, portable lamp usually powered by batteries.  While  Conrad Hubert might have known  the flashlight was a bright idea, it was not his. British inventor David Misell, who was living in New York, patented the original flashlight and sold those patent rights to the Eveready Battery Company. Conrad  Hubert first met Misell  in 1897. Impressed with his work,  Hubert  purchased all of Misells previous patents related to lighting, Misells  workshop, and his then-unfinished invention, the tubular flashlight. Misells patent was  issued on January 10,  1899.  His portable light was  designed in the now familiar tube-shape and used three D batteries  placed in a line, with a lightbulb at one end of the tube.   Success Why  was the flashlight called a flashlight? The first flashlights used batteries that did not last very long. They provided a flash of light, so to speak. However, Conrad  Hubert continued to improve his product and made the flashlight a commercial success. It helped make Hubert a  multi-millionaire, and  Eveready a huge company. Source: Utley, Bill. History of the First Tubular Flashlight. CandlePowerForums, May 20, 2002.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Accelerative Integrated Method (AIM) for Teaching

The foreign language teaching methodology known as Accelerative Integrated Method (AIM) uses gestures, music, dance, and theater to help students learn a foreign language. The method is most frequently used with children and has been met with a lot of success.The basic premise of AIM is that students learn and remember better when they do something that goes along with the words they are saying. For example, when the students say regard (in French meaning to look), they hold their hands in front of their eyes in the shape of binoculars. This gesture approach includes defined gestures for hundreds of essential French words, known as pared down language. The gestures are then combined with theater, storytelling, dance, and music to help students remember and use the language.Teachers have found great success with this integrative approach to language learning; in fact, some students achieve results comparable to those programs that use full immersion teaching methods, even when the AIM -educated students only study the language for a few hours a week. Many classrooms have found that children often feel comfortable expressing themselves in the new language from the first lesson. By participating in many different kinds of activities in the target language, students learn to think and write creatively. Students are also encouraged and given the opportunity to practice oral communication in the language theyre learning.   AIM is particularly well-suited for children, but it could be adapted for older students.Accelerative Integrated Method was developed by French teacher Wendy Maxwell. In 1999, she won the Canadian Prime Ministers Award for Teaching Excellence and, in 2004, won The H.H. Stern award from the Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers. Both of these prestigious awards are given to educators who show great innovation in the classroom.